
The heat is on

Ando considerando seriamente a opção de deixar de ser servidor público. Nem trabalhar numa temperatura agradável é possível. E não, o ar-condicionado não quebrou.  É isso (quase) todo dia. Minha proposta, obviamente não levada a sério, foi que topo ficar nessa temperatura se pude trabalhar de bermuda. Ofereci até me depilar pra viabilizar a coisa. mas parece que vou ter de ficar sofrendo. Por enquanto.


Notes from my future self

Source: Amanda Rosenberg on G+

1 - Do the laundry more often. You are no longer in college. Alternatively, buy less clothes and be forced to do it frequently.
2 - Stop by the market on your way home in the evening. Once you take off your shoes, you are condemned to order food. Alternative: Go straight to the restaurant.
3 - Don't always be so blunt with people. Or be, but give them a heads up. That may be backfire and they will think you are kidding. But that is actually fine.
4 - Eat less. Not that you are ever gonna be thin, but I hope to be able to live past 80 or until Viagra stops working. Whatever comes first. (Note: I hope you are not using it already, dude.)
5 - Learn to ask favors back. It is not that you get abused by people, but it is ok to ask for help even for silly things. Think of it as a funny game with your close friends.
6 - Remember to examine your cable bill now and then and call them. They are probably not giving you the best deal. Yes, I know it sucks to wait on hold for two hours. Some things never change.
7 - Get a hobby. Maybe an old fashioned one. There is still no consensus on whether reading the news online counts as a hobby. In any case, don't bother watching TV for the news. It still is the same shit.
8 - Don't be so punctual for those long boring work meetings. No-freakin'-body is. Always remember to bring your smartphone and keep the habit of not writing anything down. Remember George Carlin: "It's all bullshit and it's bad for ya."
9 - Do some exercise. Anything. With some regularity. LOL. Just kidding. You stopped feeling guilty about it long ago.
10 - Remember to turn on the washing machine! It will take a while before these things get really smart and start doing it by themselves. And clothes still don't go from the hamper (or from your body) to the machine without some manual effort. Trust me on this one.